Urmee Mehta Mankar – Swadhaar – Micro Finance – Provided by the Skoll Foundation and Social Edge
Austerity and the Destruction of Democracy – provided by theRealNews.com; Rob Johnson: Austerity policies in Europe threaten a deformation of democracy and the rise of ultra-nationalist forces
The Consequence of Oil Part 1 — provided by Global Access Media; The Consequence of Oil investigates the cover up of the massive amount of oil and chemical dispersants that are still in the ocean and marshes, the possibly illegal and toxic use of the dispersant Corexit in coastal population zones, and the continued effects of the BP oil spill on the Gulf environment, residents, and clean up crews.
Credit Crunch-Provided by Bremner, Bird and Fortune, Vera Productions; John Bird and John Fortune brilliantly and accurately describe the mindset behind the credit crunch with this satirical interview of George Parr. {@7 min}
Turning the Tide, a project of the Institute at the Golden Gate – highlight
video of the 2009 conference.
Getting From Here To There – Reviews what can be done today to forge new paths to human development and ecological sustainability. (~ 27 minutes). From Ethical Markets miniseries on International Financial Reform, featuring John Perkins, Kenneth Rogoff and Sakiko Fukudu-Parr.
Should Banks Be A Public Utility? – provided by TheRealNews.com; Yves Smith: Finance sector controls the regulatory process – there needs to be a publicly controlled alternative to the private banking system
Story of Electronics — provided by StoryofStuff.org; Annie Leonard and the Story of Stuff team do it again – bring us an insightful view of the true costs of consumerism.
Subprime Crisis-Provided by Bremner, Bird and Fortune, Vera Productions; John Bird and John Fortune brilliantly and accurately describe the mindset of the investment banking community in this satirical interview. {@9 min}
Visions For A Better Future – Discusses the many researchers and think tanks offering alternative paths to more just and humane forms of development.(~ 27 minutes) . From Ethical Markets miniseries on International Financial Reform, featuring John Perkins, Kenneth Rogoff and Sakiko Fukudu-Parr.
Towards A Sustainable Future provided by the Auroville Centre for Scientific Research; documentary showing how international township of Auroville in southern India transformed from barren land to lush forest through trial, error and success in alternative technologies.
Reforming The IMF – The IMF is in crisis – few countries want its loans and the onerous restrictions and “conditionalities” imposed. The future of the IMF will require massive reform. (~ 27 minutes) . From Ethical Markets miniseries on International Financial Reform, featuring John Perkins, Kenneth Rogoff and Sakiko Fukudu-Parr.
Minds for History – A conference in May, 1989, discussing humanity’s future with Nobelists Murray Gell-Mann and Czeslaw Milosz, Richard Falk, Harvey Cox, Hazel Henderson and jazz musician Billy Taylor.
Reforming The World Bank – Examines the structure and workings of the World Bank and why it is under attack from all quarters. Reforms and proposed actions. (~ 27 minutes) . From Ethical Markets miniseries on International Financial Reform, featuring John Perkins, Kenneth Rogoff and Sakiko Fukudu-Parr.
Renegade Economist US Special with Dr. Michael Hudson provided by renegadeeconomist.com/video; The Renegade Economist goes to New York to hear Dr. Michael Hudson’s views on the state of the US Economy.
Bart Chilton — provided by theREALnews network; CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton says: “A Hair Trigger Away from Economic Calamity.” Wall Street lobbyists trying to slow down trading regulations and defund Commission.
Interview with Ken La Roe – Founder, CEO and Chairman, First Green Bank, Florida; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Why Reform Global Finance? – Financial crises, booms, busts and bubbles signal the need to overhaul the global financial system. What kind of reforms can re-direct economic development toward equity and sustainability? (~ 27 minutes) . From Ethical Markets miniseries on International Financial Reform, featuring John Perkins, Kenneth Rogoff and Sakiko Fukudu-Parr.
The Renegade Economist Talkshow – July 10th provided by renegadeeconomist.com/video; weekly updates from Fred Harrison, the renegade economist, interviewd by Ross Ashcroft.
“Nurturing Sustainable Local Communities Worldwide” – Interview with Steven Lovink – Founder/CEO, Planet2025 Network and Power of One; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Why does the world need women in business? – May 8, 2008, Kemila Velan of Ethical Markets Media, Diane Bowers of the Florida Angel Investment Network and Susan Preston of CalCEF Energy Fund discuss women’s roles in shaping the future economy in light of the current struggles and trends we are facing. (30 min)
Classic Talk – Shows and videos which have stood the test of time.
“Permaculture, Eco-forests Developing Green Economies”
Terry Mock – Co-founder, Champion Tree Project International and the Sustainable Land Development Initiative; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
1000 Protesters Storm Wall Street — provided by TheRealNews.com; Occupy Wall Street movement gains support from unions, student groups and community organizers. Watch full multipart TRNN Occupy Wall St. Stories
“Financing the Green Transition to the Coming Solar Age”
Peter Lynch – Private Investor and Financial/Technology Advisor to Investors; former senior editor, Photovoltaic Insider Report; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
TALISMAN SABRE PEACE CONVERGENCE provided by Transcend Media Service; Peace Journalist Jake Lynch, Dir. of Univ. of Sydney Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, With Peace Journalist/Author Annabel McGoldrick, reporting from Yeppoon and Rockhampton, Central Queensland-Australia, Jul 11-12, 09
“Healthy Foods, Healthy Lifestyles: Paths to Happiness”
Martin Ping – Executive Director, Hawthorne Valley Association, Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Van Jones Against Ethanol July 2008 – provided by IPB; Van Jones of Green For All, building an inclusive green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty, explains why ethanol technologies are not good for people, communities or the environment. (4 min)
“Strengthening Locally Owned Independent Finance”
David Rose – Founder and CEO, Unified Field Corporation; Creator, Unified Field Bank™, Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Janine Benyus – 12 sustainable design ideas from nature Provided by TED.com; In this inspiring talk about recent developments in biomimicry, Janine Benyus provides heartening examples of ways in which nature is already influencing the products and systems we build. (24 mins)
Government by Goldman Sachs, provided by Rolling Stone; reporter Matt Taibbi explains how deeply influential the banking industry is and has been with Congress and every administration since the 1990s, democrats and republicans alike.
Who Benefits From Austerity — provided by TheRealNews.com
What Does Wall St Want Out of Austerity and What Benefits Does it Gain From a Small Government? Answered by Professor James Crotty, a macro economist from Carnegie-Mellon University.
“Fostering Homegrown Reliable Economies”
Stuart Valentine – Principal, Centerpoint Investment Strategies, Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
RETHINKING GLOBALIZATION a series produced by Hazel Henderson with guests Dee Hock, Oscar Motomura and Don Beck
Texas Wind Power – provided by National Public Radio; Ex-farmer Cliff Ethridge is giving new life to a dying town through the power of wind. (3.5 min)
Monitoring the Impact of Crisis in Real Time provided by the United Nations; showcases the United Nations Secretary-General’s initiative on Global Impact and Vulnerability Alert System to monitor the impact of crisis in real-time.
“Daring to Care: Growing the Love Economy” – Interview with Louis Böhtlingk – Founder, Care First World; author, Dare to Care; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
“Recognizing the Power and Purpose of Non-profits” – Interview with Linda Crompton – Principal, Crompton Consulting, LLC; former president of BoardSource (the national center for non-profit boards); Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
REFORMING THE ECONOMY – These and dozens more videos picked by Hazel Henderson and the Ethical Markets team which explore how the US and global economy have faltered and offering creative solutions moving forward.
Hazel Henderson on GDP, part 2 provided by Epocanegociosonline; an interview with Hazel Henderson by Oscar Motomura, director of Amana-Key, in which Hazel describes national scorecards with metrics beyond GDP/GNP and other money-coefficients; English interview with Portuguese sub-titles.
Solar Power in Spain – This example of solar power in Spain uses an array of mirrors to provide clean energy on a large scale. (2.5 min)
“Beyond Economics to Earth Systems Science” – Interview with Michael Grunwald – TIME, Time.com, Senior National Correspondent; author, The New New Deal (2012); part one; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Hazel Henderson on GDP, part 1 provided by Epocanegociosonline; an interview with Hazel Henderson by Oscar Motomura, director of Amana-Key, in which Hazel describes national scorecards with metrics beyond GDP/GNP and other money-coefficients; English interview with Portuguese sub-titles.
Financing Clean Development – interview with Graciela Chichilnisky, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Know Your Lawn – Provided by Sundance Channel, this editorial by Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, explains the environmental damage caused by lawn maintenance and offers alternatives. (1 ½ min)
“Transition to the Green Economy” – Interview with Michael Grunwald – TIME, Time.com, Senior National Correspondent; author, The New New Deal (2012); part two; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Greening Your Game – Provided by Sundance Channel, this editorial by Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, connects sports and the environment, particularly how sustainable management can make even golf sensitive to the environment. (1 ½ min)
Private Financing of Green Companies – interview with Karl Kleissner, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Navajo Green provided by LivingOnEarth; shows effort and enthusiasm to bring green jobs to Navajo communities by adopting green job legislation, complimenting a way of life valued by many indigenous peoples.
“Daring to Care: Growing the Love Economy” – Interview with Louis Böhtlingk – Founder, Care First World; author, Dare to Care; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Five Disaster Waiting to Happen – Provided by The Green on Sundance Channel, Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, addresses the peril of rising oceans on major urban centers. (2 ½ min)
Kilowatt Ours: A Plan to Re-Energize America provided KilowattOurs.org; This award-winning film is a timely, solutions-oriented look at one of America’s most pressing environmental challenges: energy. This often amusing and always inspiring story shows how you can conserve energy, use renewable, green power all while saving money and the environment. The full 56-minute version of the film is available on DVD from www.KilowattOurs.org. (12 min)
“Recognizing the Power and Purpose of Non-profits” – Interview with Linda Crompton – Principal, Crompton Consulting, LLC; former president of BoardSource (the national center for non-profit boards); Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Eco-Friendly Products – Provided by Sundance Channel, this editorial by Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, offers alternatives to the “paper or plastic” conundrum – how about neither? (1 min)
Worth Quoting TV seriesCommentaries and dialogues, many with Hazel Henderson, which stand the test of time, including a rare interview with Aurelio Peccei, late founder of the Club of Rome; also Barbara Marx Hubbard, Fritjof Capra, Frank Bracho, James Robertson, Frederick Hayek and others.
Utility Scale Solar – provided by renewableenergyworld.com; Adam Browning of Vote Solar discusses what California utilities are doing to push forward with solar energy at Solar Power International 08. (14 min)
A Crude Awakening – Provided by The Green on Sundance Channel, Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, addresses the US dependence on oil from drivng our cars to filling our water bottles. (3 min)
The Social Entrepreneur – Provided by groups like the Skoll Foundation, Social Edge and even mainstream media, these videos highlight the efforts of social entrepreneurs, many describing in their own words their method of socially responsible investing.
Amory Lovins – The Fossil Fuel Endgame provided by the Tällberg Forum; “It’s cheaper to save fuel than to buy fuel.” Lovins describes how conservation and use of already developed technologies should be the first step to decreasing dependence on oil. The Tällberg Forum 2009 gathered world leaders to answer the question: “How on earth can we live together, within the planetary boundaries?” More videos from the forum can be seen at http://webbtv.compodium.se/tallberg09/.
Car Culture – Provided by Sundance Channel, this editorial by Simran Sethi, host of the Ethical Markets TV series, encourages smart growth built around communities, not cars. (1 ½ min)
Rethinking Globalization – a series produced by Hazel Henderson with guests Dee Hock , Oscar Motomura and Don Beck
Ashok Khosla – Worlds to Dream About provided by the Tällberg Forum; With telling graphics, Ashok Khosla looks for win-win solutions rather than the blame of North vs. South to address the extreme poverty which exists today and will grow tremendously in the face of increasing eco-refugees. The Tällberg Forum 2009 gathered world leaders to answer the question: “How on earth can we live together, within the planetary boundaries?” More videos from the forum can be seen at http://webbtv.compodium.se/tallberg09/.
Greening of Pension Funds interview with Bryan Martel, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Al Gore: Clean Energy for Brazil – provided by Mercado Ético, Ethical Markets affiliate in Brazil; This episode of the Mercado Ético TV series features an exclusive interview for Brazil with Al Gore speaking to the global energy challenge and how ethical markets must play a role in meeting the challenge. (~20 min)
Power of Yin – This interactive, online TV show, based on the book by Hazel Henderson, Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jean Houston, accompanies the Power of Yin Newsletter. Watch the first episode here.
State of the Future – Reviews the 15 global challenges for humanity to make the 21st century more equitable and environmentally sustainable while incorporating women as equal partners for greater productivity. (27 minutes)
Making a Difference – Stories of people with big ideas set to change the world in major ways, drawn from sources such as TED.com, China’s Green Beat and the Schumacher Society.
Insights from the Green – Featuring Simran Sethi, environmental journalist and host of the Ethical Markets TV series, these videos provided by Sundance Channel and TheGreenOnline address ways in which we can be socially and environmentally responsible.
Socialy Responsible Investing – Covers the worldwide boom in ethical investing ($2.3 trillion in the USA alone). Social and environmental costs (pollution, outsourcing, stagnate wages) of maximizing profits to shareholders has given way to concerns for all stakeholders and new “triple bottom line” accounting for people, planet and profits. (~ 27 minutes)
GLOBAL CITIZENS : CREATIVE SOLUTIONS – Socially responsible voices of individuals and NGOs, like the Skoll Foundation, the UN and IONS, sharing their vision for a sustainable future; including perspectives like Vicki Robin’s, Jane Goodall’s and Van Jones’; solutions from young people around the world; stories of people with big ideas set to change the world in major ways, drawn from sources such as TED.com, China’s Green Beat and the Schumacher Society.
Home-Grown Green Economies interview with Stuart Valentine, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Humanity Ascending – Featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard and her compelling story of human evolution from our past as hunter-gatherers to our future in space and beyond. (1hour 15 minutes)
Health and Wellness – Preventive approaches to health now competing with the current over-priced, over-prescribing, interventionist medical-industrial complex costing 16% of US GDP. This is twice what other rich countries pay with no better outcomes. A look at reforms and alternative health options. (~ 27 minutes)
Dialogues with Hazel – TV series from St. Augustine and Florida Community College Jacksonville featuring Barbara Marx Hubbard, Fritjof Capra, Frank Bracho and James Robertson.
Ellen Brown – Financial meltdown: Why it happened, How it can be reversed provided by Democracy for America; Ellen Brown, author of Web of Debt, explains the roots of the current economic crisis and a way out. Brown’s articles are regularly posted at www.ethicalmarkets.com. Her presentation begins about 11 1/2 minutes into the video. Worth the wait!
Steering Capital Toward Sustainability interview with John Fullerton, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Creating Alternative Futures – A 13-part series of fast-paced conversations featuring speakers such as Alvin Toffler, John Naisbitt, Fritjo Capra, Jean Houston and Oscar Motomura aired on PBS stations, all moderated by Hazel Henderson.
Clean Food – Surveys the explosive growth of organic agriculture in the face of consumer fears of tainted and imported foods. Locally-grown, fresh, organic food, free of pesticides, farmers’ markets and local contract agriculture are seen as the future. (~ 27 minutes)
Comedy – Shows and videos which allow us to laugh as we learn
Architect of Corporate Responsibility – Ashoka’s Global Academy presents the story of how Alice Tepper Marlin founded the global standard SA8000 which is adopted by major corporations, labor unions and NGOs to assure workplace safety, decent wages, and children’s and workers’ rights in all supplier factories.
GREEN ENERGY AND DESIGN – Shows and videos featuring renewable energy and other clean technologies.
Mathis Wakernagel and Susan Burns provided by Global Footprint Network; Wackernagel and Bursn explain why data on resource limits will be the critical intelligence for the 21st century. Mathis Wackernagel is one of our Advisory Board members for our Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators . It’s nice to meet Susan too!
Finance is a Global Commons interview with Leo Burke, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Transformation Of Work – Views rapid changes in workplaces, outsourcing, automation and self-employment, focusing on employee-owned companies (11,000 in the USA) and the prospects for democratizing capital-ownership. (~ 27 minutes)
Classic Talk – Commentaries and dialogues, many with Hazel Henderson, which stand the test of time, including a rare interview with Aurelio Peccei, late founder of the Club of Rome; also Barbara Marx Hubbard, Fritjof Capra, Frank Bracho, James Robertson, Frederick Hayek and others.
Escaping the Web of Debt – interview with Ellen Brown, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Setting the Standards for the Global Economy – Ashoka’s Global Academy presents Alice Tepper Marlin’s story of how she pioneered a more socially and environmentally responsible model for business –the Council on Economic Priorities, a pioneer of social, environmental and ethical auditing of companies.
Shareholder Advocacy – Interviews with activist-shareholders pushing their companies to be more socially and environmentally responsible. Corporate managers are responding as active investors join with employees, unions, environmentalists and many other stakeholders to push for higher ethical standards. (~ 27 minutes)
The School Lunch Scam provided by the American News Project; Who determines what American kids eat each day? Congress and the Department of Agriculture approve what foods can (and can’t) be served through the National School Lunch Program. The competition for a piece of this $10 billion market is fierce, but espite the enormous nutritional and financial stakes at play, ANP was the only media to cover a recent panel set up to discuss the school menu. While nutritionists outnumbered the press, corporate lobbyists outnumbered everyone.
Martin Ping – Executive Director, Hawthorne Valley Association, Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Provided by www.EarthDayTV.net Focus the Nation The 2% Solution – On Jan. 30, Focus the Nation held a live, interactive webcast featuring Stanford University climate scientist Stephen Schneider, sustainability expert Hunter Lovins, green jobs pioneer Van Jones and youth climate leaders, discussing global warming solutions. They reached over a million students on one day! (~ 70 minutes)
Renewable Energy – Renewable energy: solar, wind, biofuels, hydrogen, ocean power are the best route beyond fossil fuels to energy independence. A look at the technologies and the leaders in this “green revolution.” (~ 27 minutes)
What Happens When Schools Care provided by The Real Food Channel and Healing Quest; Is it possible that the problems so many children and schools have these days are food related? Could it be that simple? The trend today is to manage children and young people: drug them, psychoanalyze them, treat them as potential criminals. But, studies and alternative programs show positive response to managing their food instead. What’s your school district feeding the children in its care?
Finance Should Serve Society – interview with Steve Waddell, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
“Financing the Green Transition to the Coming Solar Age”
Peter Lynch – Private Investor and Financial/Technology Advisor to Investors; former senior editor, Photovoltaic Insider Report; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Woman Owned Businesses – In the USA, 50% of all private companies are owned and managed by women and employ 19 million Americans. Women’s goals differ from those of men: women rate profit-maximizing below other community, family and personal values. We meet many women business leaders, bankers and entrepreneurs. (~ 27 minutes)
China’s New Development – interview with Zhouying Jin, “Transforming Finance” — an Ethical Markets Media production © 2010
Fair Trade – “Free trade” has turned into a free-for-all based on cutting prices, cutting corners on safety, quality and the environment – as well as outsourcing of production and jobs to lowest-wage countries. Fair trade labels on products growing to ensure consumers that small organic producers of coffee, teas, chocolate and many other foods get fair prices. (~ 27 minutes)
The Way Women Work provided by Ethicalmarkets.tv; Kemila Velan, director of communications for Ethical Markets Media, uses a new report by Walt Patterson, “Managing Energy Wrong,” as a metaphor for the way women work.
Up Close China – Hazel Henderson is interviewed by Cheng Yi on Taiwan’s premier weekly newsmaker show. They discuss globalization, creating more ethical business investments and new indicators such as the Calvert-Henderson Quality of Life Indicators.
Sarvodaya Movement – provided by SarvodayaUSA; Featuring A. T. Ariyaratne, this video shows how the Sarvodaya Movement is building alternative social, economic and political structures from bottom up, showing the stages of the Sarvodaya development process in Sri Lanka.
“Nurturing Sustainable Local Communities Worldwide” – Interview with Steven Lovink – Founder/CEO, Planet2025 Network and Power of One; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Investing In Your Community – Some of your safest, best investments are right outside your door! A look at successful community investing in growing, vibrant local economies, affordable housing, new small businesses and re-development. (~ 27 minutes)
Shaula Massena provided by Ethicalmarkets.tv; Kemila Velan, director of communications for Ethical Markets Media, asks Shaula Massena, a woman angel investor, if “socially responsible investing” is an oxymoron at the Fall 2008 Investor’s Circle Conference in Boston.
“Fostering Homegrown Reliable Economies”
Stuart Valentine – Principal, Centerpoint Investment Strategies, Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Green Building and Design – The revolution in building, architecture, product design is leading to the explosive growth of energy-efficient, less polluting, safer and healthier workplaces and homes. (~ 27 minutes)
Yoga and the Boardroom provided by Ethicalmarkets.tv; Kemila Velan, director of communications for Ethical Markets Media, talks about women taking their yoga practice off the mat and into the boardroom in attempt to yield more ethical results.
“Permaculture, Eco-forests Developing Green Economies”
Terry Mock – Co-founder, Champion Tree Project International and the Sustainable Land Development Initiative; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Explaining Simpol provided by www.Simpol.org; John Bunzl describes how a “Simultaneous Policy” toward a package of measures to be implemented by all governments simultaneously to address global problems is the best way to overcome the obstacles that the global competitive system impose on any government that acts alone to try and resolve such problems, effectively making its country uncompetitive.
Money – Jane D’Arista — provided by The Real News Network; Quantitative Easing, TARP and more! Interview with Jane D’Arista, of the Political Economy Research Institute. Begins at the 2:45 mark.
Vicki Robin: The Micro-economics of Caring – provided by EON: the Ecological Options Network; Vicki Robin, co-author of Your Money or Your Life, discusses the micro-microeconomics of daily living – becoming aware of what needs you have that can be satisfied with money and which require one to disassociate from being only a financial being. (11 mins)
Global Corporate Citizenship – More ethical “corporate citizenship” now seen as a must by many leaders and critics. Best practices of corporations in consumer and environmental protection, human and workplace rights. (~ 27 minutes)
Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., explains economics Everything I Need to Know about Global Warming provided by StandUpEconomist.com; Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., explains economics
“Green Banking and Investing” – Interview with Ken La Roe – Founder, CEO and Chairman, First Green Bank, Florida; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
Moving the Economy Transportation Choices – given for MOVING THE ECONOMY: Economic Opportunities in Sustainable Transportation, An International Conference. July 9-12, 1998, Toronto, Canada.
Redefining Success – Changing scorecards of countries’ “progress” beyond money and Gross National Product (GDP) to new indicators of Quality of Life and Gross National Happiness. (~ 27 minutes)
Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., explains economics Everything I Need to Know about Global Warming provided by StandUpEconomist.com; Yoram Bauman, Ph.D., explains economics
“Green Banking and Investing” – Interview with Ken La Roe – Founder, CEO and Chairman, First Green Bank, Florida; Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 201
Jane Goodall: Helping humans and animals live together – provided by TED.com; The legendary chimpanzee researcher Jane Goodall talks about TACARE and her other community projects which help people in booming African towns live side-by-side with threatened animals. (24 min)
Ethical Markets(SM) – is a financial lifestyle TV magazine produced by Hazel Henderson redefining success globally through a positive look at what is possible and illustrating “triple bottom line”: respecting people and the environment while earning a healthy profit.
RMI Quest for Solutions: Reinventing Fire provided by RMI; RMI Chairman and Chief Scientist Amory Lovins, Bill Joy, Catherine Zoi and others discuss how “Reinventing Fire” can provide a road map to get the U.S. and the world off fossil fuels.
“Beyond Economics to Earth Systems Science” – Interview with Michael Grunwald – TIME, Time.com, Senior National Correspondent; author, The New New Deal (2012); Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
The Shift – A movie being made by a movement provided by www.theshiftmovie.com; This movie trailer, spread virally around the internet, describes an ambitious project to showcase the millions of people from all across the world who are banding together to establish peace, sustainability and social justice as the common themes by which humanity thrives on Planet Earth. The project will show how change is happening at the most fundamental levels of our culture, and how countless people, associations and groups are leading the grass-roots movement with a swell of positive activity.
Provided by www.MoneyAsDebt.net Money as Debt – This is a must see video that sparks great conversations in any group who views it.
Debt-gov’t, corporate, & household has reached astronomical proportions. Where does all this money come from? How could there BE that much money to lend? The answer is… there isn’t. Today, MONEY IS DEBT. If there were NO DEBT there would be NO MONEY! If this is puzzling to you, you are not alone. Very few people understand, even though all of us are effected. This fast-paced and highly entertaining animated feature explans today’s magical perverse DEBT-MONEY SYSTEM (~ 47 minutes)
Piano Player Stairs provided by Thefuntheory.com; To save energy, to improve health, to promote our innate creativity, something as simple as fun is the easiest way to change people’s behaviour for the better.
We’re Ready – Provided by IONS; This One Minute Shift, produced by 13-year-old Shannon Leonard and his friends, expresses a heartfelt call from youth who are ready to live more sustainably. They pointedly ask if we’re ready to do the same. (@1 min)
Provided by www.GeniusLoci.com Ecological Design – Beginning in the 1920’s with the work of R. Buckminster Fuller, moving through the 1960’s and the Counter Culture and ending on the doorstep of the 21st century: the film follows the evolution of ecological design from the vision of a few independent thinkers to the powerful movement it is becoming.(~ 64 minutes)
Harmonic Humanity provided by HarmonicHumanity.org; Real Change and Harmonic Humanity offer great examples of using the principles of ethical markets to address local community challenges such as homelessness.
“Transition to the Green Economy” – Interview with Michael Grunwald – TIME, Time.com, Senior National Correspondent; author, The New New Deal (2012); Ethical Markets Transforming Finance Series 2013
The Story of Stuff – provided by The Story of Stuff, Annie Leonard looks at the underside of production and consumption patterns, exposing the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues. It’ll teach you something, make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever. (20 min)
The Story of BRAC provided by BRAC USA; This video shows how BRAC took a program in a single community to scale up to a nation and into international efforts and is now considered one of the most effective non-governmental organizations in the world.